Santus Theological Institute
Sanctus Theological Institute

Sanctus Theological Institute

A sanctuary of reflection and study within the hurried world of the Third Millennium.
The year Two Thousand gave us cause to re-examine the direction and programs offered by the Institute.

Initially founded to facilitate research and continuing education among clergy from Independent Catholic and Non-denominational Churches, Jurisdictions and the many emerging small faith communities. In response to initital demands we went beyond our original calling into the daunting area inhabitated by Seminaries and established Theological Schools. This was a step not really to our liking or abilities.

Sanctus has returned to our true calling and will expand into exciting areas where we will utilize the latest in Digital Technology to provide our students and client clergy with the tools and resoures to broaden their ministries and deepen their spiritual foundations for future service. "Sanctus Digital Media", will provide interactive, real world multi-dimensional educational opportunity for advancement and study. We will shortly begin producing specialized CD-ROMS for study and continued learning from the comfort of your own office, home or church.

Sanctus Theological Institute will be producing state of the art multimedia educational materials that will enable those utilizing the CD-ROms to learn via: Video, powerpoint presentations and doccument text.

We invite you to contact the Fr. Jim Waters the Vicar General for further information.

Sanctus Theological Institute by aligning itself with many different churches and denominations is positioned to Continuing Educational Opportunites & Advanced Divinity Degrees for professional growth.
Affiliated with The Association of Catholic Community Churches, "STI" seeks to serve the entire Independent Catholic Community. We are an Inclusive, ministry-affirming Institution of Higher Spiritual Learning. Visit our many websites to learn more about our programs in this "Cyber-Institute!

Through the implementation of a project oriented, self-paced system of study following the Minor and Major Holy Orders of the Catholic Church integrated with high technology multimedia we are utilizing these techniques to bring in essence a Cyber-Institute of Spiritual Higher Learning right into your Home or Church. We endeavor to serve those answering the call to the active ministry through the cooperation and supervision of each candidate's Bishop who will also serve as one of the Co-Signers of the individual's Degree.
Special Degree Program for Independent Catholic Bishops
Program for Consecrated Bishops. Sanctus Theological Institute is honored to offer at a sharply reduced fee, the Doctor of Divinity or the Doctor of Theology. Either of these Professional Degrees is conferred upon completion of an application, and a description of the Bishop's Episcopacy and Ministry. "STI" believes that those who serve as Bishops have already attained the necessary Educational and Ministerial standing to warrant the awarding of these Graduate Degrees.
Degree Programs: "STI" offers the Licentiate in Sacred Theology to those completing the Pastoral Formation Program and Ordination to the Priesthood.
The Master of Divinity Degree is a Professional Degree granted upon further completion of a Thesis that may be composed of the major papers written during the Pastoral Formation Program with an emphasis on the individual's own ministry…or area of emphasis. The Fee for the Master of Divinity Degree is $400.00 and payable on a payment plan easily affordable to all.
The Master of Divinity Degree Program for all others is a self-guided, mentor assisted program requiring the writing of a major thesis pertaining to an area of the individual's own choosing.
Following completion of the complete application, the candidate will submit for advisory committees review a program and thesis proposal. A non-refundable fee of $100.00 is payable at this time.
Upon approval you will be assigned a mentor and provided with "Spirit Link" the resource guide published by the Institute. The guide will assist you with research and accessing the Internet and all its possibilities. The candidate will also become part of the Institute's "Internet" and e-mail list server and conference facilities through the Internet.
Pastoral Formation Programs
Innovative development programs tailored for the Independent Catholic Community
Designed specifically for the adult seminarian seeking spiritual growth, excellence and preparation for future service as a Priest, Permanent Deacon or Pastoral Counselor.

Continuing Pastoral Education Programs"

Sanctus Theological Institute, affiliated with The American Catholic Church, and is joining with and assisting other Denominations, Churches and Jurisdictions in an effort to provide a flexible yet standardized Pastoral Formation Program to better serve Independent Catholics and Non-Denominational Seminarians. "STI" has developed a proven program following the Minor and Major Holy Orders of the Catholic Church. We endeavor to serve those answering the call to the active ministry through the utilization of projects, papers and self-guided study within the requirements of each Holy Order. Preparation for the Priesthood, or Deaconate will be closely supervised by the seminarian's Bishop within their own Church. Sanctus Theological Institute is the vehicle with which to provide seminarians the training and educational challenges needed in today's world. Degree Programs for Seminarians and Clergy All who complete the Pastoral Formation Program will be awarded the Licentiate in Sacred Theology. A small handling fee will be the only charge. Presently Ordained Clergy and Spiritually dedicated Laity are encouraged to continue pushing the boundaries of their own inner spirituality and individual ministry. We are launching a monthly "Spirit Link Newsletter" and a Quarterly Journal called "Sanctus" The Journal of Independent Catholicism"... to foster the study of Christianity in light of the 21st century. As religion changes and small faith communities emerge as a dominating force we must find ways of bringing people together in worship, and study. Join with us by contributing research, ideas and programs that have worked in your ministry.

Our goal is to support, educate with state of the art technology and to do so in a manner that will assist you in your Service to God.

While we support inter-faith dialogue and the Oneness we all share with Creation and God, we must not allow ourselves to weaken our commitment to the Apostolic Calling we hold and have been Ordained to follow as Catholic Clergy.

To contact Fr. Jim Waters+, MDiv., D.Min. please send an E-Mail
You may also reach us at: 451 Greenside Ct., Mesa, AZ 85208-6429 Ph# 480-986-8511; Fax # 480-354-2787 We are proud to announce that Sanctus Theological Institute has recently become Accredited by The American Theological Association.

Your Web Site On
Christic Pastoral Studies Center

Recognizing the emergence of Small Faith Communities as a vital element of the spiritual life of many. Sanctus Theological Institute is taking the bold move to support and promote what we refer to as The Post-Denominational Priesthood, or Ministry. Much research on an international scale has shown the steady decline of mainline denominations. Smaller, community based churches and groups with an ever deepening interest in the fullness of spiritual expression are playing an increasing role in “Our Religious Life”.

The Institute was founded to help train those individuals called to serve just such a community of believers. Most of all we recognize the individuality of that calling, of that ministry and seek to respond to that need. Our Programs are oriented in that direction, the local, faith based movement. More people are finding voice and heart for their ministerial callings, and in today’s world it just isn’t possible to place family and work on hold to attend a residential or even fulltime seminary, this then is our role, and our mission.

This ministry and the Degrees associated with it are many fold in nature. The degrees are essentially the same as our formal degrees with the exception of the added Doctor of Ministry Degree in Post-Denominational Studies. We are als o providing the opportunity of Ordination follow successful completion of the Degree Program. This Ordination may take one of two forms.

A. Ordination as a Priest of the Order of Melchizadek. Once Ordained you may use whatever term for your ministerial title. The Order of Melchizadek as associated with “STI” is in association with The World Light Fellowship, a Non-Profit Chartered Church founded in New York and recognized by the Federal Government.
The Order of Melchizadek is the Universal Spiritual Priesthood that is best noted in Genesis 14:18-20, Hebrews 7:1-3,8; Hebrews 5:7-10 ; 7:1. It is into this order that all sacramental ministers are ordained in the Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran Churches. We are now extending this ourselves through the work of Rev. Fr. Jim Waters, who is himself an Ordaining Priest in the Order.
B. Ordination as a Post or Non-Denominational Minister for those who desire the Protestant Ministry. Our Degree programs are essentially individualized mentor driven programs oriented toward your own unique ministry. Therefore all degree programs are well suited for this ministry. We do however offer the Bachelor of Theology or the Bachelor of Divinity as a prerequisite to being ordained a Minister.

Sanctus is in the process of further refining this program and the resources associtated with it. We are updating the special CD-ROM to better prepare students and clergy for this new ministry. In fact Fr. John Mabry+,Ph.D. has written extensively on this and is working in cooperation with Fr. Jim on the program.

The church as a whole is entering a defining phase of it’s development. With an ever unfolding global view together with the emergence of a theology predicated on the Cosmic Christ and our interconnection with all life, we must move forward as members of the Body of Christ. The 21st century demands much of us and is ripe for the harvest of greater service from us all. We can no longer play church or be content to sit for one hour a week in a church pew. Religion is falling away as people yearn for a deeper spiritual commitment and sense of both calling and service.
Sanctus Theological Institute is dedicated to fostering that service.

Sanctus Spirit Links
Our Main Website Please go to this site NOW
AAICC One List Arizona Assoc. of Independent Catholic Clergy
Sacntus General Site A general website for the Institute
Assoc. of Catholic Community Churches Website for the Chancellor of the Institute
Wellsprings on the Web The most complete site for Spiritual Listings of websites..friends of "STI" please visit them often!
Sanctus Theological Inst. LITURGIES Various liturgies by Fr. Jim+ and Other Ind. Cath. Clergy