Liturgy of Celebration
Liturgy in Celebration for theThird Millennium

Liturgy in Celebration for theThird Millennium

 A Bell is rung, the celebration is begun with the processional.

As the Priest approaches the Mid-Point of the Sanctuary he stops and says to all:

Priest: Enter this Sanctuary in the name of our Creator

who shares divinity with us;

People: The Christ who shares humanity with us;

The Procession proceeds to the Altar. The Priest turns and begins...

Priest: (Making the Sign of the Cross)+ The Spirit who unsettles

and inspires us; let us give thanks.

All: Glory to God for ever and ever.

Priest: We declare this space and our time thogether to be holy,

Enter God's gates with thanksgiving and come into the house with praise.

All: Glory to God most High.

Priest: Welcome to this sacred circle of celebration and thanksgiving.

Our spirit is one, united in the openness to the whole of creation and

to the spiritualities of all godly people. Through the birth, death and

resurrection of Jesus the Christ we are continually renewed by and in

the grace of God.

People: We come this day as a community of faith seeking Light, Love

and Peace.

Priest: Let us make the Sign of the Cross as a symbol of this.

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

People: + Make the Sign of the Cross.

Priest: In preparation for the celebration to come, let us pray to God who

longs for our reconciliation. God shows love for us, forgives us, welcomes us.

All; Amen

Priest: If we confess our poor choices, God is just and may be trusted to forgive

us and cleanse and protect us from every kind of wrong. In silence we call to

mind our regrets and poor choices. Let us confess our regrets.

All; God of grace, We confess that we have strayed and made poor choices in what

we have thought, said and done. Forgive us and restore us to wholeness. Amen

Priest: Know that God is faithful and just to hear our prayers. As God forgives us

so must we forgive ourselves that we might walk in the reknewal of this forgiveness.

Reading from Holy Scripture

People from the congregation are chosen to read from Psalms, the Old Testament

and the Gospel.

Readings are interspersed with music provided by the people, there may also be a drumming and or a sacred dance.

The Deacon or Priest Proclaims the Gospel, reading a selection related to the Homily.

Homily may be given, or shared by the Priest and the people.

Apostles Creed or Nicean Creed is said Unison

The Liturgy of the Eucharist

Priest and People repeat in unison once the Priest stands before the Altar.

Come, Lord, in the dawning, Come in the newness of the morning, Come,

make yourself known at the break of day and in the breaking of the bread.

(In the midst of the proclamation the Deacon or Priest brings the Communion

elements to the Altar. )

Priest: Christ is here, and we are blessed beyond all measure.

All: Lord God of all creation you have called us out of darkness into light.

(The reading is stopped while the Wine is poured into the Chalice along

with the Holy Water. )

All: We open our eyes to your presence,

Priest: We open our ears to your call.

People: We open our hearts to your Love

Priest: We rejoice to give thanks and praise,

All: That we may walk before you as Children of Light

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. +

May we greet one another with a sign of Peace.

Thanking the Creator

Priest: It is right and good and a joyful thing in all ways and everywhere

to give thanks to you, O God for... The Priest may name a personal reason

for thanking God, others may add their own Thanksgivings. Closing: Scatter

the darkness from the light before us that we may walk as children of light.

Remembering Christ

Priest: And we thank you also O God for Our Lord Jesus who has shown us

the way to oneness and the Light within and in one another. May we celebrate

that the Light shines for all eternity.

( If there is special music now is the time for a quiet instrumental piece).

Blessing of the Spirit

Priest may ask for God's blessing upon the elements, the people gathered in

celebration. Others may also add there own blessings if so desired.

Priest: Therefore in trust and thanksgiving. loving God, we join in the chorus

of praise that rings throughout eternity, with angels and archangels, prophets

and those working for justice and peace. We pray for our Mother the Earth

and all living things. Together with all creation we praise and magnify you

always, we do so by singing ( or saying)...

All: Holy, Holy, Holy all God of love and power, All creation speaks of

your glory, O God with - us. Blessed are we who come in the name of

our God! Hosanna, Hosanna from our Hearts.

Presentation of the Elements of Communion

Priest: Taking the plate of Communion Hosts or Baked Bread, he holds

the bread and says:

Priest: We give you thanks "O Lord"and praise You for the life and wisdom

which you have made known to us.

We have this bread to offer, which earth has given and human hands have made.

It will become for us the Bread of Life.

People: As the grains that were scattered upon the mountains were gathered

to become one loaf, so may all your people be gathered together from the

ends of the earth into your community; For yours is grace, justice and love,

Through Jesus Christ for ever and ever.

Priest: Takes the Cup and holds it before the people saying "We give you thanks

Our Lord Jesus for this the fruit of the vine, a symbol of Life flowing ever eternal.

May we drink and never thirst again. for this is the cup of joy.

All: All glory to you Lord forever and ever.

Priest: Walks before the people who then form a circle on either side of him,

joining in community. Holding the Bread the Priest begins walking around the

inner part of the circle breaking off each piece of bread handing a piece to

each person, saying:

"This is the bread of life, take it and be bread for the world.

 Priest: Taking the cup, he or she holds it before the people of God.

Saying: Blessed are we God of all creation. Through your goodness we have

this drink to offer,

With the Wine the Priest walks from person to person, saying; "This is the

cup of compassion, drink it and be filled with grace."

Fruit of the vine and work of human hands. This will become our Cup of Joy.

All: Blessed be God forever.

Priest: Let us pray together.

All; Holy are you Lord God of all creation, for you have given us a meal to

celebrate community, one with another. May we who eat thus bread be servants

to those in need, may we who drink this cup testify to the wonder of creation.

May we delight in our bodies and minds, calling others into joy and life and

wholeness. Give us the opportunity to take these gifts to our neighbors, courage

to speak truth and brild community, and wisdom to enjoy our eternal life. Amen.

Priest: My friends, go in Peace and Love + In the Name of the Father, and of the

Son and the Holy Spirit.

The People; Thanks be to God, Alleluia, Alleluia


A Creation Centered liturgy re-worked by Fr. Jim Waters+, MDiv. of Sacntus Theological Institute. The Liturgy had it's begining in the faith community of "The Festival of the Holy Names," under the leadership of Rev. Fr. John Mabry+, PhD.

Sanctus Theological Institute

Sanctus Theological Institute

Liturgies for Independent Catholic Worship Received from Rev.Dr.John Mabry, PhD.+ The Festival of the Holy Names

The Didache is an inclusive adaptation of the earliest extant eucharistic prayer in the church's history. Both of the shorter prayers follow the general three-fold pattern of the Eucharistic prayers: Thanking the Creator (Anamnesis), Remembering Christ (Institution), and Inviting the Spirit (Epiclesis).

The World Eucharist (Sung)

O God we thank you

you give us all we need

and through your Wisdom

you bid the whole world be free.

When Jesus came he set our hearts aglow

and gave himself as living bread to feed a hungry world.

Change us, Holy Spirit teach us to walk in peace

help us to love each other until the whole world sings:

(As the bread is passed)

Holy holy holy

Holy holy Holy holy holy


Free Form Eucharist

This prayer is perfect for small, intimate gatherings, including meals.

One person may preside, or people may divide into choirs.


Presider Christ is here.

People The Spirit is with us.

Presider Open your hearts.

People We offer them to God.

Presider Let us give thanks to the Infinite One.

People We rejoice to give thanks and praise.


Presider It is a right and good and joyful thing

in all ways and everywhere to give thanks to you,

O God, for...

Presider may name a personal reason for thanking God. Others may add

their own thanksgivings. When it seems that all who wish to pray have

had time to do so, the presider may continue.


Presider And we thank you also, O God, for Jesus, who...

Presider may briefly refer to a story about Jesus from the Gospels that

is particularly meaningful to her or him. Others may relate stories

meaningful to them. When it seems that all who wish to relate a story

about Jesus have had time to do so, the presider may continue.


Presider may ask for God's blessing upon a person, the elements, the

people gathered or for any other purpose. Others may add their own

petitions. When it seems that all who wish to pray have had time to do

so, the presider may continue.

Therefore, in trust and thanksgiving, loving God,

we join in the chorus of praise that rings throughout eternity,

with angels and archangels, prophets and martyrs, creatures of

earth, sea and sky and all the holy women and men of every

culture and age. Together with rocks, hills, waters, mountains,

suns, moons and stars, we magnify you as we sing/say:


All Holy, holy, holy, God of love and power,

All Creation speaks of your glory, O God-with-us.

Blessed are we who come in the name of our God!

Hosanna, Hosanna from our hearts!

The elements may be enjoyed.


The Didache Eucharist

This liturgy makes use of a cantor, but otherwise there are no presiders

or other designated roles. All portions identified by an asterisk (*)

are optional.


Choir 1 Christ is here.

Choir 2 The Spirit is with us.

Choir 1 Open your hearts.

Choir 2 We offer them to God.

Choir 1 Let us give thanks to the Infinite One.

Choir 2 We rejoice to give thanks and praise.

All It is a right and good and joyful thing

in all ways and everywhere

to give thanks to you, O God

Therefore we join in the chorus of praise

that rings throughout eternity,

with angels and archangels, prophets and martyrs,

creatures of earth, sea and sky

and all the holy women and men

of every age and culture.

Together with rocks, hills, waters,

mountains, suns, moons, and stars,

we magnify you as we sing/say:


All Holy, holy, holy, God of love and power,

All Creation speaks of your glory, O God-with-us.

Blessed are we who come in the name of our God!

Hosanna, Hosanna from our hearts!

First, regarding the wine:

Choir 1 We give thanks to you, our Creator

for the holy vine of your children Bathsheba and David,

which you made known to us

through your child, Jesus;

All All glory to you forever and ever.

The wine is passed around.

The bread is broken. Then, regarding the bread:

Choir 2 We give thanks to you, our Creator,

for the life and wisdom

which you have made known to us

through your child Jesus;

All All glory to you forever and ever.

The bread is passed around. Communicants also break off bread for those

beloved not present, speaking their names before passing the loaf to the

next communicant.

All As the grains that were

scattered upon the mountains

were gathered to become one loaf,

so may all your people

be gathered together

from the ends of the earth

into your community;

for yours is grace, justice and love,

through Jesus Christ for ever and ever.

The meal is joyfully shared.

After the meal, give thanks in this way:

Choir 1 We give thanks to you, our Creator,

for your holy names,

which you have made to dwell in our hearts,

and for the wisdom and faith

and eternal life, which you have made known to us

through your child Jesus;

All Glory to you forever and ever.

Choir 2 It was you, O mighty God,

who created all things,

and gave food and drink for us to enjoy

and so that we might give you thanks;

But you also gave us spiritual food and drink

and eternal life through your child Jesus.

All Remember, O God, your people

walk with us in our times of trial

and nurture us in your love

Gather your holy peoples from the four winds

into the community you are building here.

May grace come and injustice pass away.

Glory to you forever and ever!

Choir 1 Thanks be to God!

Choir 2 Thanks be to God!


The Holy Eucharist

Liturgy of the Word = Form A This liturgy is recommended for groups no larger than twenty five persons; one or two presiders may participate, the second presider reading the paragraphs preceeded by a degree sign ( ). The service also requires a cantor. All portions identified by an asterisk (*) are optional. The service may begin with a processional. Notes from Fr. John Mabry,PhD.+


All circle and stand around the altar.


Presider Blessed is our God, Creator, Liberator, and Comforter;

People and blessed is Creation, now and forever. Amen.


GATHERING COLLECT This or another invocation may be used.

Presider Holy and Living God, in you we are born,

in you we move, in you we have our being.

Annoint us now with your Holy Wisdom;

enrich our hearts--dine and dance with us--

as we with glad hearts celebrate your holy names. Amen.


All Gather here in the mystery of the hour

Gather here in one strong body

Gather here in the struggle and the power

Spirit draw near


Presider Dear friends,

this water will be used to remind us of our origins,

of the waters of the womb from which we were born,

and of the waters of the Earth that refresh and sustain all beings.

May God bless me as I perform this service.

With the Earth's hallowed waters do I consecrate

this holy altar and sanctuary.

And bless also this people who gather to

celebrate an astounding love.


Presider Please be seated. We will spend the next few minutes in

silence. You may wish to take this time to reflect on the theme and

readings in your bulletin.


Presider Today/Tonight, we celebrate....


Presider Let us pray....



The cantor may process with the cross, and hold

it aloft over the head of the reader.

Cantor Open your ears, O faithful people

Open your ears, and hear God's Word

Open your hearts, O royal priesthood,

God has come to you.

One or two readings from various sources, (one from scripture), the

reader first saying:

A Reading from --. Then: Here ends the reading.

After each reading, a bell may be struck thrice to initiate a brief

period of meditation. A single stroke ends the meditation. When the

scripture has been read, the Cantor sings:

Cantor God has spoken to the people, Hallelujah!

And the words are words of wisdom, Hallelujah!

All Hallelujah!

God has spoken to the people, Hallelujah!

And the words are words of wisdom, Hallelujah!


Presider Having heard the scripture of our tradition, now we are

welcome to share from the scripture of our lives. We open ourselves to

hear our personal truths without judgement or interruption, listening in

silence and with respect.




Cantor Shema Israel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echod!

People Hear all the world, your God is one God!

Prayers may be offered for all people of faith, for the earth, for

justice and peace, for the sick and suffering, and for wisdom. Praises

may also be offered.


CONFESSION This or another form may be used.

Cantor For my resistance to being all I'm created to be...

All For my resistance to being

all I'm created to be

For my denial of life, of life abundantly

For the discord I bring, into the harmony

I beg the indulgence of Earth, sky and sea,

Of All-that-I-Am, of All Who Are,

of All in All in All.


Presider, singing Shalom, Shalom, + Shalom, Shalom


Presider Let us now each turn to a partner, and extend our right

hands in peace as we begin our dance...


Presider Peace be with you!

People And also with you!

Presider Let us share with one another a sign of God's Peace.

Time may be taken for blessings, artistic presentations, and

announcements: planning meetings, socials, etc.


Presider At this time we invite you to share what God has given to

you. If you have brought food for the food bank, please place it in the

St. James Pantry basket. Let us with gladness present the fruits of our

life and labor unto God and one another.


The gifts are offered and, with the drink and the bread, presented at

the altar. See Eucharistic Prayer II for instructions specific to that



Liturgy of the Word = Form B

This liturgy makes use of a cantor, but otherwise there are no presiders

or other designated roles. All portions identified by an asterisk (*)

are optional. The service may begin with a processional. All circle and

stand around the altar.



Choir 1 Blessed is our God, Creator, Liberator,

and Comforter;

Choir 2 and blessed is Creation,

now and forever. Amen.



All Holy and Living God, in you we are born,

in you we move, in you we have our being.

Annoint us now with your Holy Wisdom;

enrich our hearts--dine and dance with us--

as we with glad hearts celebrate your holy names. Amen.


All Gather here in the mystery of the hour

Gather here in one strong body

Gather here in the struggle and the power

Spirit draw near


A bowl of water is placed in reach of everyone.

Choir 1 In blessing our foreheads

Choir 2 we reclaim the powers of reason.

Choir 1 In blessing our eyes

Choir 2 we reclaim the power of vision.

Choir 1 In blessing our lips

Choir 2 we reclaim the power to speak.

Choir 1 In blessing our hands

Choir 2 we reclaim the power of creativity.

Choir 1 In blessing our feet

Choir 2 we reclaim the power of movement.

All join hands.

All In blessing one another,

we claim the power of our bodies,

And the body of this community.

Thanks be to God!

All are seated.


Cantor We will spend the next few minutes in silence. You may wish


take this time to reflect on the theme and readings in your bulletin.



Choir 1 Peace be with you.

Choir 2 And also with you.

Cantor Let us pray... The congregation prays the opening prayer in




All Open your ears, O faithful people

Open your ears, and hear God's Word

Open your hearts, O royal priesthood,

God has come to you.

One or more readings may be offered from scriptural and other


All God has spoken to the people, Hallelujah!

And the words are words of wisdom, Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! God has spoken to the people, Hallelujah!

And the words are words of wisdom, Hallelujah!


Cantor We have heard the scripture of our tradition. Now we invite


to share from the scripture of your life. We open ourselves to hear your

personal truth without judgment or interruption.



Cantor Shema Israel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echod!

All Hear all the world, your God is one God!

Prayers may be offered for all people of faith, for the earth, for

justice and peace, for the sick and suffering, and for wisdom Praises

may also be offered.



This or another form may be used.

Cantor For my resistance to being all I'm created to be...

People For my resistance to being all I'm created to be

For my denial of life, of life abundantly

For the discord I bring, into the harmony

I beg the indulgence of Earth, sky and sea,

Of All-that-I-Am, of All Who Are, of All in All in All.


All Shalom, Shalom, + Shalom, Shalom



Cantor Let us share with one another a sign of God's Peace.

Time may be taken for blessings, artistic presentations, announcements, etc.


Cantor At this time we invite you to share what God has given to you.

If you have brought food for the food bank, please place it in the St.

James Pantry basket. Let us with gladness present the fruits of our life

and labor unto God and one another.


The gifts are offered and, with the drink and the bread, presented at



Liturgy of the Table I = Life & Joy


Presider Blessed are you, God of all creation.

Through your goodness

we have this bread to offer,

which earth has given

and human hands have made.

It will become for us the Bread of Life.

People Blessed be God forever.

Presider Blessed are you, God of all creation.

Through your goodness

we have this drink to offer,

fruit of the vine and work of human hands.

This will become our Cup of Joy.

People Blessed be God forever.

Presider Come and gather around God's table.


Presider Christ is here.

People The Spirit is with us.

Presider Open your hearts.

People We offer them to God.

Presider Let us give thanks to the Infinite One.

People We rejoice to give thanks and praise.

Presider It is a right and good and joyful thing

in all ways and everywhere to give thanks to you,

O God... Presider may say a proper preface

Therefore we join in the chorus of praise

that rings throughout eternity, with angels and archangels,

prophets and martyrs, creatures of earth, sea and sky

and all the holy women and men of every culture and age.

Together with rocks, hills, waters, mountains, suns, moons, and stars,

we magnify you as we sing/say:


All Holy, holy, holy, God of love and power,

All Creation speaks of your glory, O God-with-us.

Blessed are we who come in the name of our God!

Hosanna, Hosanna from our hearts!


Presider Sacred and Immortal One,

throughout the history of the world,

it has always been your way

to bestow rich blessings upon your children:

In the ongoing weaving of the world, O God,

you give to us life.

In the gift of our communities and families,

you give to us joy.

In Jesus of Nazareth

you give to us an example of genuine living.

In his death and resurrection,

you give us the hope of eternal life.

Through the gift of your Holy Spirit,

you give us the courage and the power

to remake the world.


Presider And in this moment,

through your bountiful Creation,

you give us these gifts again.

They are full of life and goodness,

blessed and holy.

Let us become aware

of your + presence in these gifts.

For as your Spirit saturates and indwells

all of Creation, O Christ,

even so are these gifts--this bread, and this cup--

brimming with divinity.

Teach us to partake of them

with due reverence, and in so doing,

help us to go forth into the world

with like reverence for all that we behold,

for in you do all things consist

and have their being.


Presider , lifting up the bread

When once he walked among us

as a human being, Jesus said to his friends,

"I am the bread of life," and indeed,

Divinity is our substance and our sustenance.

"Anyone who follows my teaching,

though they have nothing,

yet never shall they hunger."

Presider, lifting up the chalice

Jesus likewise said

"I am the True Vine..." and indeed,

Divinity is the source of our hope and our joy.

"...Those who abide in me, and I in them,

shall bring forth much fruit."


Presider From the One . . . Come the many . . .

And the many become One.


Presider Therefore, as Jesus taught us, let us pray:

All God our Father, God our Mother,

holy are your names.

May your community be realized,

and your desires manifest

on Earth even as in the heavens.

Grant us this day all that we require,

and as we have been forgiven by you,

help us to forgive others.

Walk with us through the paths of adversity,

stand firm with us in our times of suffering.

For yours are grace, justice,

and love, now and forever. Amen.

Presider And we break bread for those we love not present,

especially . .



Presider We have named these gifts

the Bread of Life and the Cup of Joy,

because life and joy are gifts which continually flow

from the gracious hand of our God.

But may these gifts also be for you

whatever it is you need

for God to feed you in this moment.

Life and Joy. These are the gifts of God.

All are invited to share this communion;

for at God's table there is room for all.

Come to the feast prepared for you

from the foundation of the world.

The bread is distributed, saying, "The Bread of Life."

The cup is distributed, saying, "The Cup of Joy."

A brief period of meditation may follow reception of communion.

An a capella song or chant may be sung/said by all.


Presider Let us pray.

All Living God, we thank you

that in this feast you have given us yourself.

Help us, as we go our myriad ways,

to see you likewise given

in all that we eat and drink,

all that we meet, and all that we behold;

Help us to live in this wonder,

so nourishing our souls

that we may see that we ourselves

are the instruments of your grace

and gifts to all the world. Amen.



This or another benediction may be used.

Presider Friends, continue your journey walking in love,

Care for one another, care for the earth, seek justice and make peace.

Christ goes before you: live boldly, celebrate, and sing!

Thanks be to God!1

People Thanks be to God!

Liturgy of the Table II = Liberation

The table is set with bread, an empty chalice and a cruet of wine.


Presider With this bread, O Christ,

we place here all the creative action of the peoples

of the Earth: their aspirations, their joy,

their achievements, and their work.

With this wine, we behold the sorrows,

the pain, and the suffering of all your Creation.

Into this offering of the world we would gather those closest to us,

our beloved and those at enmity with us,

and with these we unite the great multitude of souls in Creation.

With deepest compassion we join ourselves

with the ceaseless journey of the universe,

past, present, and future, with its joys and sorrows, hopes and fears,

that we may be one with it all.

We draw into this offering every form of life:

animals and plants, rocks and fire, planets and stars, winds and waters;

and we offer ourselves, all we have, and all that we are.

Let all existence be now placed here on our altar

that with joy and gratitude we may offer it to you.2

Come and gather around God's table.



Presider Christ is here.

People The Spirit is with us.

Presider Open your hearts.

People We offer them to God.

Presider Let us give thanks to the Infinite One.

People We rejoice to give thanks and praise.

Presider It is a right and good and joyful thing

in all ways and everywhere to give thanks to you,

O God... Presider may say a proper preface

Therefore we join in the chorus of praise

that rings throughout eternity, with angels and archangels,

prophets and martyrs, creatures of earth, sea and sky

and all the holy women and men of every culture and age.

Together with rocks, hills, waters, mountains,

suns, moons, and stars,

we magnify you as we sing/say:


All Holy, holy, holy, God of love and power,

All Creation speaks of your glory, O God-with-us.

Blessed are we who come in the name of our God!

Hosanna, Hosanna from our hearts!


Presider We thank you, O God,

that in every time and place

you have made your home

with the poor and the powerless.

With your hand you led your people Israel

out of bondage to Egypt.

Through your prophets

you taught your people to do justice,

to love mercy and to walk humbly

in your Spirit.

In Jesus of Nazareth

you made your home with us,

and taught us that it is the meek

who shall inherit the earth;

that those who suffer for what is right

are blessed in your eyes.

Through him you lived and died as one of us,

preaching the Good News of liberation

to the poor and the oppressed.

And even now you embrace us in love,

and give us strength to bring this Good News to all.


Presider At the feast of Passover,

Jesus and his friends met

to celebrate their ritual meal.

According to tradition,

their rabbi picked up

the unleavened bread to bless it,

and surprised them instead with new words.

Likening the bread to his own body

about to be broken, he broke the bread,

and passed it around the circle.

When the time came

for the final cup of wine to be shared,

Jesus again spoke new words,

and likened the wine to his own blood

about to be spilled.


Presider In the same way, therefore,

we offer to you, O holy God,

this simple bread and this wine:

Bless them now + that they may become for us

symbols of love and liberation,

as we praise you saying:


Presider, elevating the bread Blessed are you,

Eternal Sustainer of the Universe;

For through your miraculous creation,

you bring forth grain from the Earth.

As these kernels were scattered upon the mountains

and were gathered and made one loaf,

even so do you make us one, for we are children of one Earth,

and partake of one bread.

The bread is broken

Therefore, when the bodies, spirits, and homes of others are broken, we

are broken.

Presider, elevating the cruet Blessed are you,

Eternal Sustainer of the Universe;

For through your miraculous creation,

you bring forth the fruit of the vine.

As the fruit of many vines is put into

one press to be crafted into one vintage,

even so you have made us all one family,

sharing one blood.

Filling the cup Therefore, when the life-blood

of any creature spills, our blood is spilled.

Today/Tonight, we break bread for the suffering of the Earth,

for those whose habitats have been destroyed,

for those who struggle for justice,

who have paid the price for freedom

with their own flesh and blood,

and for the millions who suffer oppression,

sickness, and distress.

And we break bread for those we love, especially . . .


Presider Present with each other, and all the world in spirit,

we share this simple meal together as one family, offering this

bread and this cup as signs of struggle and hope for all creatures,

praying as Jesus taught us:

All God our Father, God our Mother,

holy are your names.

May your community be realized,

and your desires manifest

on Earth even as in the heavens.

Grant us this day all that we require,

and as we have been forgiven by you,

help us to forgive others.

Walk with us through the paths of adversity,

stand firm with us in our times of suffering.

For yours are grace, justice,

and love, now and forever. Amen.


Presider All are invited to share this communion;

for we are all one people. Come to the feast prepared

for you from the foundation of the world.

Communion proceeds in silence, or with the following words:

"We are all one body." "We are all one blood."


All Therefore we covenant with one another

to work until bodies are broken no more,

To act until blood is no more spilled,

To practice peace until all can dance on the land

beneath the sun, eating their grain with joy

And drinking the fruit of the vine with a merry heart.

One day there shall be peace!

One day all -- All -- shall rejoice!3



This or another benediction may be used.

Presider Friends, continue your journey walking in love,

Care for one another, care for the earth, seek justice and make peace.

Christ goes before you: live boldly, celebrate, and sing!

Thanks be to God!1

People Thanks be to God!

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